課程投影片及相關檔案 (Slides and related files)


01. Guideline     Download

01. Internet History Summarized     View

02. Router History     Download

02. GUC-Internet Routing Architectures     Download

03. Autonomous System (AS)     Download (New)

03. 16-bit Autonomous System Number Report     Download

03. 32-bit Autonomous System Number Report     Download

04. Router Architecture     Download

04. 04-Short description of the Internet checksum     Download

05. 05-0GUC-packet classification     Download

05. IXP1200 Packet Flow Tutorial     Download

06. 4-18-Small Forwarding Table for Fast Routing Lookups     Download

07. 04-25-TreeBitmap     Download

07. 04-22-01-(pp.8-17)-----Controlled Prefix Expansion (CPE)     Download

07. 04-25-Controlled-Prefix-Expansion_0709     Download

07. 04-25-Dynamic Tree Bitmap For IP Lookup and Update-Sahni     Download

08. 05-Binary Prefix Search_20160713     Download

08. 05-----TC-MSPT-2007-11-30 (Most Specific Prefix Tree)     Download

09. 06-01-TCAM     Download

09. 06-02-TC TCAM routing table update-in class     Download

09. 06-May08-May15-TCAM     Download

09. 5-13-01-ACM-TON-2013-Efficient Gray-Code-Based Range Encoding Schemes for Packet Classification in TCAM     Download

09. 5-31-01-Efficient Gray Code Based Range Encoding Schemes for Packet Classificationin TCAM     Download

09. Reference_Router_on_NetFPGA     Download