(06) 2757575 轉 62539
資訊系館 65C10
上課地點:資訊系館 新大樓教室65405
CIAL實驗室 資訊系館65502
助教 Email:
林子傑 P76064619@mail.ncku.edu.tw
王泓硯 P76064504@mail.ncku.edu.tw
黃義方 P76061035@mail.ncku.edu.tw
林佳禾 P76064643@mail.ncku.edu.tw
C Programming: A Modern Approach (2nd Edition) by K.N. King
Topics: (18 weeks)
Basic Features of C
- Introducing C [1]
- C Fundamentals [1]
- Formatted Input/Output [2]
- Expressions [3]
- Selection Statements [4]
- Loops [4,5]
- Basic Types [5]
- Arrays [6]
- Functions [7]
- Program Organization [7]
Advanced Features of C
- Pointers [8]
- Pointers and Arrays [8]
- Strings [9,10 mid-term exam]
- The Preprocessor [11]
- Large Programs [12]
- Structures, Unions, and Enumerations [12,13]
- Advanced Uses of Pointers [14,15]
- Low-Level Programming [15,16]
- The Standard Library [17]
- Input/Output [17]
- Error Handling [17]
- Final exam [18]
* The number in [] indicates the week (本學期上課週數).
評分標準 (Grading Policy):
- Homework: 40% (8 Programs)
- Attendance, Quiz, Online prog test: 15%
- Mid-term: 20%
- Final Exam: 25%
- Due day: in class or 6 pm if no class that day and late penalty is 6 points per day, up to 5 days.
- copy homework is treated as negative points
How to Pass This Course:
- You need to concentrate on the lecture in class(3 hours a week). (please take notes)
- You need to write the programming assignments by yourself.
It takes a lot of time to complete the programming assignments (unpredictable amount of time to debug, gdb)
- You need another 9 hours per week to study the lecture notes and textbook.
You are encouraged to read the English version of the textbook. Do not read the Chinese translation version.
- It is required (強制規定) to use the gcc compiler and vi text editor in UNIX.
(I am sure that you will not like vi in the beginning, but you will like it after you know it in the long run.)
- You are required to run your programs in your Unix account assigned by TA.
- In addition to codes in your Unix accounts, you also need to turn in the hardcopy printout of your programs
and the results from sample runs.