Internet Timeline v4.2 by Robert H'obbes'
The Roads and Crossroads of Internet History by Gregory R. Gromov
History of the Internet: http://www.internetvalley.com/archives/mirrors/davemarsh-timeline-1.htm
[ 1950s ] [ 1960s ] [ 1970s ] [ 1980s ] [ 1990s ] [ Growth ] [ FAQ ] [ Sources ]
[A] http://sourcedigit.com/497-timeline-history-of-cloud-computing/
Hobbes' Internet Timeline Copyright (c)1993-9 by Robert H Zakon. Permission is granted for use of this document in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as this Copyright notice and a link to this document, at the archive listed at the end, is included. A copy of the material the Timeline appears in is requested. For commercial uses, please contact the author first. Links to this document are welcome after e-mailing the author with the document URL where the link will appear.
The author wishes to acknowledge the Internet Society for hosting this document, and the many Net folks who have contributed suggestions and helped with the author's genealogy search.
1836 -- Telegraph.
Cooke and Wheatstone patent it.
Revolutionised human (tele)communications.
Morse Code a series of dots
and dashes used to communicate between humans. This is not a million miles away
from how computers communicate via (binary 0/1) data today. Although it is much
1858-1866 --
The Atlantic cable of 1858
was established to carry instantaneous communications across the ocean for the
first time: it was a technical failure. It only remained in service a few days.
Subsequent cables laid in 1866 were
completely successful and compare to events like the moon landing of a century later. ... the
cable ... remained in use for almost 100 years.
Transatlantic cable. Allowed direct instantaneous
communication across the atlantic.
Today, cables connect all continents and are still a main hub of
1876 -- Telephone. Alexander Graham Bell Exhibits.
Telephones exchanges provide the
backbone of Internet connections today.
Modems provide Digital to Audio conversions to allow computers to connect over
the telephone network.
Scientist Herb Grosch
(the author of Grosch’s law) postulated that the
entire world would operate on dumb terminals powered by about 15 large data
USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite. In response, US (Eisenhower) forms
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
within the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish
US lead in science and technology applicable to the military (:amk:)
The organization united some of America's most
brilliant people, who developed the United States' first successful satellite
in 18 months. Several years later ARPA began to focus on computer networking
and communications technology.
John McCarthy opined that “computation may
someday be organised as a public utility”[A]
Leonard Kleinrock, MIT:
"Information Flow in Large Communication Nets" (July)
Packet-switching (PS) networks developed; Why is
this relevant?
As we will
see later the Internet relies on packets to transfer data.
The origin is military :
for utmost security in transferring info of
networks (no single outage point).
Data is split
into tiny packets that may take different routes to dest.
Hard to eavesdrop on
messages. More than one route available --
if one route goes down another may be
Networks can
withstand large scale destruction
(Nuclear attack - This was the
time of the Cold War).
J.C.R. Licklider & W.
Clark, MIT: "On-Line Man Computer Communication" (August)
Dr. J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head ARPA's
research in improving the military's use of computer technology. Licklider was a visionary who sought to make the
government's use of computers more interactive. To quickly expand technology, Licklider saw the need to move ARPA's contracts from the
private sector to universities and laid the foundations for what would become
Paul Baran, RAND: "On Distributed
Communications Networks"
ARPA sponsors study on "cooperative network of
time-sharing computers"
Lawrence G. Roberts, MIT: "Towards a Cooperative
Network of Time-Shared Computers" (October)
Douglas Parkhill’s
book, “The Challenge of the Computer Utility” explained all the modern-day characteristics
of cloud computing [A]
ARPANET design discussions held by Larry Roberts at
ARPA IPTO PI meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan (April)
ACM Symposium on Operating Principles in Gatlinburg, Tennessee (Oct.)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Middlesex,
England develops NPL Data Network under Donald Watts Davies who coins the term
packet. The NPL network, an experiment in packet-switching, used 768kbps lines
It happened that the work at MIT
(1961-1967), at RAND (1962-1965), and at NPL (1964-1967) had all proceeded in
parallel without any of the researchers knowing about the other work.
PS-network presented to the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA)
Request for proposals for ARPANET sent out in August;
responses received in September
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) awarded
Network Measurement Center contract in October
Bolt Beranek and Newman,
Inc. (BBN) awarded Packet Switch contract to build Interface Message
Processors (IMPs)
US Senator Edward Kennedy sends a congratulatory
telegram to BBN for its million-dollar ARPA contract to build the "Interfaith" Message Processor, and
thanking them for their ecumenical efforts
Network Working Group (NWG), headed by Steve Crocker,
loosely organized to develop host level protocols for communication over the
The Computer as a Communication Device by J.C.R. Licklider,
Robert W. Taylor, Science and Technology, April 1968. Online republish by
Systems Research Center of DEC, p.29 ( ftp://ftp.digital.com/pub/DEC/SRC/research-reports/SRC-061.pdf
1969 -- Birth of Internet (October 29)
ARPANET commissioned by DoD for research into networking
Nodes are stood up as BBN builds each IMP
[Honeywell DDP-516 mini computer with 12kB memory]; AT&T
provides 50kbps lines
Node 1: UCLA (30 August, hooked up 2 September)
Node 2: Stanford Research Institute (SRI) (1 October)
Node 3: University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) (1
Node 4: University of Utah (December)
First Request for Comment (RFC1): "Host Software" by Steve
Crocker (7 April)
RFC 4: Network
First packets sent by Charley Kline at UCLA as he
tried logging into SRI. The first attempt resulted in the system crashing as
the letter G of LOGIN was entered. (October 20 or 29 - being verified)
Univ of Michigan, Michigan State and Wayne State Univ establish X.25-based Merit network for students,
faculty, alumni (:sw1:)
1969: The first LOGs: UCLA -- Stanford
The plan was unprecedented: Kleinrock,
a pioneering computer science professor at UCLA, and his small group of
graduate students hoped to log onto the Stanford computer and try to send it
some data. They would start by typing "login," and seeing if the
letters appeared on the far-off monitor.
We set
up a telephone connection between us and the guys at
SRI...," Kleinrock ... said in an interview: "We typed the L and
we asked on the phone,
you see the L?"
"Yes, we see the L," came the response.
"We typed the O, and we asked,
"Do you see the O."
"Yes, we see the O."
"Then we typed the G, and the system crashed"...
Yet a
revolution had begun"...
First publication of the original ARPANET Host-Host protocol: C.S. Carr, S. Crocker, V.G. Cerf, "HOST-HOST
Communication Protocol in the ARPA Network," in AFIPS Proceedings of
First report on ARPANET at AFIPS: "Computer
Network Development to Achieve Resource Sharing" (March: see future section, does "the future" come?)
ALOHAnet, the first packet
radio network, developed by Norman Abramson, Univ
of Hawaii, becomes operational (July)
to the ARPANET in 1972
ARPANET hosts start using Network Control Protocol
(NCP), first host-to-host protocol
First cross-country link installed by AT&T between
UCLA and BBN at 56kbps. This line is later replaced by another between BBN and
RAND. A second line is added between MIT and Utah
15 nodes (23 hosts): UCLA, SRI, UCSB, Univ
of Utah, BBN, MIT, RAND, SDC, Harvard, Lincoln Lab, Stanford, UIU(C), CWRU,
BBN starts building IMPs using the cheaper Honeywell 316. IMPs however are limited
to 4 host connections, and so BBN develops a terminal
IMP (TIP) that supports up to 64 hosts (September)
Ray Tomlinson of BBN invents email
program to send messages across a distributed network. The original program was
derived from two others: an intra-machine email program (SENDMSG) and an
experimental file transfer program (CPYNET) (:amk:irh:)
Ray Tomlinson (BBN) modifies email program for ARPANET
where it becomes a quick hit. The @ sign
was chosen from the punctuation keys on Tomlinson's Model 33 Teletype for its "at" meaning (March)
Larry Roberts writes first email management program
(RD) to list, selectively read, file, forward, and respond to messages (July)
International Conference on Computer Communications
(ICCC) at the Washington D.C. Hilton with demonstration of ARPANET between 40 machines
and the Terminal Interface Processor (TIP) organized by Bob Kahn. (October)
First computer-to-computer
chat takes place during ICCC as psychotic PARRY (at Stanford) discusses
its problems with the Doctor (at BBN)
International Network Working Group (INWG) formed in
October as a result of a meeting at ICCC identifying
the need for a combined effort in advancing networking technologies. Vint Cerf appointed first Chair. By 1974, INWG became IFIP WG 6.1 (:vgc:)
Louis Pouzin leads the
French effort to build its own ARPANET - CYCLADES
RFC 318: Telnet
First international connections to the
ARPANET: University College of London (England) and NORSAR (Norway)
Bob Metcalfe's Harvard PhD Thesis outlines idea for Ethernet. The concept was
tested on Xerox PARC's Alto computers, and the first Ethernet network called
the Alto Aloha System (May) (:amk:)
Bob Kahn poses Internet problem, starts internetting research program at ARPA. Vinton Cerf sketches
gateway architecture in March on back of envelope in a San
Francisco hotel lobby (:vgc:)
Cerf and Kahn present basic Internet ideas at INWG in
Sept at Univ of Sussex, Brighton, UK (:vgc:)
RFC 454: File
Transfer specification
Network Voice Protocol (NVP) specification
(RFC 741) and implementation enabling conference calls over ARPAnet. (:bb1:)
SRI (NIC) begins publishing ARPANET News in March; #
of ARPANET users estimated at 2,000
ARPA study shows email composing 75% of
all ARPANET traffic
Christmas Day Lockup - Harvard IMP hardware problem leads it to
broadcast zero-length hops to any ARPANET destination, causing all other IMPs
to send their traffic to Harvard (25 December)
RFC 602: The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney with Care
Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn publish "A Protocol for Packet
Network Interconnection" which specified in detail the design of a
Transmission Control Program (TCP). [IEEE
Trans Comm]
BBN opens Telenet,
the first public packet data service (a commercial version of ARPANET)
Operational management of Internet transferred to DCA
(now DISA)
First ARPANET mailing list, MsgGroup, is
created by Steve Walker.
Einar Stefferud soon took
over as moderator as the list was not automated at first. A science fiction
list, SF-Lovers, was to become the most popular unofficial list in the early
John Vittal develops MSG,
the first all-inclusive email program providing replying, forwarding, and
filing capabilities.
Satellite links cross two oceans (to Hawaii
and UK) as the first TCP tests are run over them by Stanford, BBN, and UCL
File", by Raphael Finkel
at SAIL, first released
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom sends out an
email in February from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE) in
UUCP (Unix-to-Unix CoPy)
developed at AT&T Bell Labs and distributed with UNIX one year later.
Multiprocessing Pluribus IMPs are
THEORYNET created by Larry Landweber
at Univ of Wisconsin providing electronic mail to
over 100 researchers in computer science (using a locally developed email
system over TELENET)
RFC 733: Mail specification
Tymshare launches Tymnet
First demonstration of ARPANET/SF Bay Packet Radio
Net/Atlantic SATNET operation of Internet protocols with BBN-supplied gateways
in July
TCP split into TCP and IP (March)
Meeting between U. of Wisconsin, DARPA, National Science Foundation (NSF), and computer
scientists from many universities to establish a Computer Science Department
research computer network (organized by Larry Landweber).
USENET established using UUCP between Duke and UNC by
Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Bellovin. All
original groups were under net.* hierarchy.
First MUD, MUD1, by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw at U of Essex
ARPA establishes the Internet Configuration Control
Board (ICCB)
Packet Radio Network (PRNET) experiment starts with
DARPA funding. Most communications take place between mobile vans. ARPANET connection via SRI.
On April 12, Kevin MacKenzie
emails the MsgGroup a suggestion of adding some
emotion back into the dry text medium of email, such as -) for indicating a
sentence was tongue-in-cheek. Though flamed by many at the time, emoticons became widely used
ARPANET grinds to a complete halt on 27 October because of an accidentally-propagated status-message virus
First C/30-based IMP at BBN
Berners-Lee, an independent
contractor at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland, built ENQUIRE, as a personal database of people and software models, but
also as a way to play with hypertext; each new page of information in ENQUIRE had to be linked to
an existing page.[1]
the "Because It's Time NETwork"
CSNET (Computer Science NETwork)
built by a collaboration of computer scientists and Univ
of Delaware, Purdue Univ, Univ
of Wisconsin, RAND Corporation and BBN through seed money granted by NSF to
provide networking services (especially email) to university scientists with no
access to ARPANET.
Transition Plan
Norway leaves network to become an Internet connection
via TCP/IP over SATNET; UCL follows suit
DCA and ARPA establish the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), as the protocol suite, commonly
known as TCP/IP, for ARPANET.
leads to one of the first definitions of an "internet" as a connected
set of networks, specifically those using TCP/IP, and "Internet" as
connected TCP/IP internets.
DoD declares TCP/IP suite to be standard for DoD
EUnet (European UNIX
Network) is created by EUUG to provide email and USENET services.
connections between the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and UK
Exterior Gateway Protocol (RFC 827)
specification. EGP is
used for gateways between networks.
Name server developed at Univ
of Wisconsin, no longer requiring users to know the exact path to other systems
Cutover from NCP to TCP/IP (1 January)
***No more Honeywell or Pluribus IMPs; TIPs replaced
by TACs (terminal access controller)
Movement Information Net (MINET) started early in the
year in Europe, connected to Internet in Sept
CSNET / ARPANET gateway put in place
ARPANET split into ARPANET and MILNET; the latter
became integrated with the Defense Data Network created the previous year. 68
of the 113 existing nodes went to MILNET
Desktop workstations come into being, many with
Berkeley UNIX (4.2 BSD) which includes IP networking software
Networking needs switch from having a single, large
time sharing computer connected to the Internet at each site, to instead
connecting entire local networks
Activities Board (IAB) established, replacing ICCB
EARN (European Academic and Research Network)
established. Very similar to the way BITNET works with a gateway funded by IBM
FidoNet developed by Tom Jennings
Domain Name System
(DNS) introduced
Number of hosts breaks 1,000
JUNET (Japan Unix Network)
established using UUCP
JANET (Joint Academic
Network) established in the UK using the Coloured
Book protocols; previously SERCnet
Moderated newsgroups introduced on USENET (mod.*)
Canada begins a one-year effort to network its
universities. The NetNorth Network is connected to
BITNET in Ithaca from Toronto
Kremvax message
announcing USSR connectivity to USENET
In 1984 Berners-Lee returned to
CERN, and considered its problems of information presentation: physicists from
around the world needed to share data, and with no common machines and no
common presentation software.
He wrote a proposal in March 1989 for "a large hypertext
database with typed links", but it generated
little interest. His boss, Mike Sendall, encouraged
Berners-Lee to begin implementing his system on a newly acquired NeXT workstation.[4]
He considered several names, includingInformation
Mesh,[5]The Information Mine(turned down as it
abbreviates to TIM, the WWW's creator's name) or Mine of Information (turned
down because it abbreviates to MOI which is "Me" in French), but
settled on World Wide Web.[6]
Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at USC is given
responsibility for DNS root management by DCA, and SRI
for DNS NIC registrations
Symbolics.com is assigned on 15 March to become the first registered domain. Other firsts: cmu.edu,
purdue.edu, rice.edu, ucla.edu (April); css.gov (June); mitre.org, .uk (July)
100 years to the day of the last spike being driven on
the cross-Canada railroad, the last Canadian university is connected to NetNorth in a one year effort to have coast-to-coast
connectivity. (:kf1:)
RFC 968: 'Twas the
Night Before Start-up
NSFNET created (backbone speed of 56Kbps)
operational (:sw1:)
Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) comes into existence under the IAB. First IETF meeting held
in January at Linkabit in San Diego
The first Freenet (Cleveland) comes on-line 16
July under the auspices of the Society for Public Access Computing (SoPAC). Later Freenet program
management assumed by the National Public Telecomputing
Network (NPTN) in 1989 (:sk2,rab:)
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) designed to enhance
Usenet news performance over TCP/IP.
Mail Exchanger (MX) records developed by Craig Partridge allow non-IP network hosts to have
domain addresses.
The great USENET name change; moderated newsgroups
changed in 1987.
BARRNET (Bay Area Regional Research Network)
established using high speed links. Operational
in 1987.
New England gets cut off from
the Net as AT&T suffers a fiber optics cable break between Newark/NJ and
White Plains/NY. Yes, all seven New England ARPANET trunk lines were in the one
severed cable. Outage took place between 1:11 and 12:11 EST on 12 December
NSF signs a cooperative agreement to manage the NSFNET
backbone with Merit Network, Inc. (IBM and
MCI involvement was through an agreement with Merit). Merit, IBM, and MCI later
founded ANS.
UUNET is founded with
Usenix funds to provide commercial UUCP and Usenet
access. Originally an experiment by Rick Adams and Mike O'Dell
Email link established between Germany and China using
CSNET protocols, with the first message from China sent on 20 September.
RFC: "Request For Comments reference guide
Number of hosts breaks 10,000
Number of BITNET hosts breaks 1,000
2 November - Internet worm
burrows through the Net, affecting ~6,000 of the 60,000 hosts on Internet
CERT (Computer
Emergency Response Team) formed by DARPA in response to the needs exhibited
during the Morris worm incident. The worm is the only advisory issued this
DoD chooses to adopt OSI and sees use of
TCP/IP as an interim. US Government OSI Profile (GOSIP) defines the set of
protocols to be supported by Government purchased products
Los Nettos network created
with no federal funding, instead supported by regional members (founding: Caltech, TIS, UCLA, USC, ISI).
NSFNET backbone upgraded to T1
CERFnet (California Education and Research Federation
network) founded by Susan
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(IANA) established in December
with Jon Postel as its Director. Postel
was also the RFC Editor and US Domain registrar for many years.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) developed by Jarkko Oikarinen
First Canadian regionals join NSFNET: ONet via Cornell, RISQ via Princeton, BCnet via Univ of
FidoNet gets connected to the Net,
enabling the exchange of email and news
The first multicast tunnel is established between
Stanford and BBN in the Summer of 1988.
Countries connecting to NSFNET: Canada (CA), Denmark (DK), Finland (FI),
France (FR), Iceland (IS), Norway (NO), Sweden (SE)
Number of hosts breaks 100,000
RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeens) formed (by
European service providers) to ensure the necessary administrative and
technical coordination to allow the operation of the pan-European IP Network.
First relays between a commercial electronic mail
carrier and the Internet: MCI Mail through the Corporation for the National
Research Initiative (CNRI), and Compuserve through
Ohio State U.
Corporation for Research and Education Networking (CREN) is formed by
merging CSNET into BITNET (August)
AARNET - Australian Academic Research Network - set up
by AVCC and CSIRO; introduced into service the following year
Cuckoo's Egg by Clifford Stoll tells the real-life tale of a
German cracker group who infiltrated numerous US facilities
UCLA sponsors the Act One
symposium to celebrate ARPANET's 20th anniversary and its decomissioning
RFC 1121: Act One -
The Poems
Countries connecting to NSFNET: Australia (AU), Germany (DE), Israel
(IL), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), Mexico (MX), Netherlands (NL), New Zealand (NZ),
Puerto Rico (PR), United Kingdom (UK)
ARPANET ceases to exist
Archie released by Peter Deutsch, Alan Emtage,
and Bill Heelan at McGill
The World comes on-line (world.std.com), becoming the first
commercial provider of Internet dial-up access
ISO Development Environment (ISODE) developed to
provide an approach for OSI migration for the DoD. ISODE software allows OSI application to operate
over TCP/IP
CA*net formed by 10 regional networks as national
Canadian backbone with direct connection to NSFNET
The first remotely operated machine to be hooked up to the Internet, the Internet
Toaster by John Romkey, (controlled via SNMP)
makes its debut at Interop. Pictures: Internode, Invisible
RFC 1149: A
Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers
RFC 1178: Choosing
a Name for Your Computer
Countries connecting to NSFNET: Argentina (AR), Austria (AT), Belgium (BE),
Brazil (BR), Chile (CL), Greece (GR), India (IN), Ireland (IE), Korea (KR),
Spain (ES), Switzerland (CH)
By Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee had built all the tools
necessary for a working Web: the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 0.9, the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), the first Web
browser (named WorldWideWeb, which was also a Web
editor), the first HTTP server software (later known as CERN
httpd), the first web
server (http://info.cern.ch), and the first
Web pages that described the project itself.
The browser could accessUsenet
newsgroups and FTP files as well. However, it could run only on the NeXT;Nicola Pellow therefore created a simple text browser that could run on
almost any computer called the Line
Mode Browser.[7]
Commercial Internet eXchange
(CIX) Association, Inc. formed by General Atomics (CERFnet),
Performance Systems International, Inc. (PSInet), and
UUNET Technologies, Inc. (AlterNet), after NSF lifts restrictions on the
commercial use of the Net (March)
Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS), invented by
Brewster Kahle, released by Thinking Machines
released by Paul Lindner and Mark P. McCahill from
the Univ of Minnessota
World-Wide Web (WWW)
released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) released by Philip Zimmerman
US High Performance Computing Act (Gore 1) establishes
the National Research and Education Network (NREN)
NSFNET backbone upgraded to T3
NSFNET traffic passes 1 trillion bytes/month and 10 billion packets/month
Defense Data Network NIC contract awarded by DISA to
Government Systems Inc. who takes over from SRI in May
Start of JANET IP Service (JIPS)
which signalled the changeover from Coloured Book software to TCP/IP within the UK academic
network. IP was initially 'tunneled' within X.25. (:gst:)
RFC 1216: Gigabit
Network Economics and Paradigm Shifts
RFC 1217: Memo from
the Consortium for Slow Commotion Research (CSCR)
Countries connecting to NSFNET: Croatia (HR), Czech Republic (CZ), Hong
Kong (HK), Hungary (HU), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Singapore (SG), South
Africa (ZA), Taiwan (TW), Tunisia
On August
6, 1991,[9] Berners-Lee posted a short summary of
the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext
newsgroup.[10] This date also marked the debut of the
Web as a publicly available service on the Internet.
"The WorldWideWeb
(WWW) project aims to allow all links to be made to any information anywhere.
[...] The WWW project was started to allow high energy
physicists to share data, news, and documentation. We are very interested in
spreading the web to other areas, and having gateway servers for other data.
Collaborators welcome!" —from Tim Berners-Lee's first message
Internet Society (ISOC) is chartered (January)
IAB reconstituted as the Internet Architecture Board,
becomes part of Internet Society
Number of hosts breaks 1,000,000
First MBONE audio multicast (March) and video
multicast (November)
RIPE Network
Coordination Center (NCC) created in April to provide address registration and
coordination services to the European Internet community (:dk1:)
Veronica, a gopherspace
search tool, is released by Univ of Nevada
World Bank
comes on-line
The term "surfing the Internet"
is coined by Jean Armour Polly (:jap:)
Zen and the
Art of the Internet is published by Brendan Kehoe (:jap:)
Internet Hunt started by Rick Gates
RFC 1300: Remembrances
of Things Past
RFC 1313: Today's
Programming for KRFC AM 1313 - Internet Talk Radio
Countries connecting to NSFNET: Antarctica (AQ), Cameroon (CM), Cyprus
(CY), Ecuador (EC), Estonia (EE), Kuwait (KW), Latvia (LV), Luxembourg (LU),
Malaysia (MY), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI), Thailand (TH), Venezuela (VE)
Early websites intermingled links for both the HTTP web protocol and the then-popular Gopher protocol, which provided access to content through hypertext menus presented as a file system rather than throughHTML
files.Some sites were also indexed by WAIS, enabling users to
submit full-text searches similar to the capability later provided by search engines.
created by NSF to provide specific Internet services:
directory and database services (AT&T)
registration services
(Network Solutions Inc.)
information services (General Atomics/CERFnet)
US White House comes on-line (http://www.whitehouse.gov/):
Internet Talk
Radio begins broadcasting (:sk2:)
Nations (UN) comes on-line (:vgc:)
US National Information
Infrastructure Act Businesses and media begin taking notice of the Internet
RFC 1437: The
Extension of MIME Content-Types to a New Medium
RFC 1438:
Statements of Boredom (SOBs)
The turning point for the World Wide Web was the
introduction[13] of the Mosaic web browser[14] in 1993, a graphical browser
developed by a team at the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC),
led by Marc Andreessen.
Funding for Mosaic came from the High-Performance Computing and Communications Initiative, a funding program
initiated by then-Senator Al Gore's High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991 also known as the Gore Bill.[15]
graduation from UIUC, Andreessen and James H. Clark, former CEO of Silicon Graphics, met and formed Mosaic Communications
Corporation to
develop the Mosaic browser commercially. The company changed its name to Netscape in April 1994, and the browser was developed further as Netscape Navigator.
ARPANET/Internet celebrates 25th anniversary
Communities begin to be wired
up directly to the Internet (Lexington and Cambridge, Mass., USA)
US Senate and House
provide information servers
Shopping malls arrive
on the Internet
First cyberstation, RT-FM, broadcasts from Interop
in Las Vegas
traffic passes 10 trillion bytes/month
Yes, it's true - you can now order pizza from the Hut online
Prime Minister on-line (http://www.kantei.go.jp/)
UK's HM Treasury
on-line (http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/)
New Zealand's
Info Tech Prime Minister on-line (http://www.govt.nz/)
First Virtual, the first
cyberbank, open up for business
to Sonnet Translation
RFC 1606:
Historical Perspective On The Usage Of IP Version 9
RFC 1607:
Top 10
Domains by Host #: com, edu,
uk, gov,
de, ca, mil, au, org, net
RealAudio, an audio
streaming technology, lets the Net hear in near real-time
Radio HK, the first
commercial 24 hr., Internet-only radio station starts broadcasting
The Vatican comes on-line (http://www.vatican.va/)
The Canadian
Government comes on-line (http://canada.gc.ca/)
RFC 1882: The 12-Days of Technology Before
Top 10
Domains by Host #: com, edu, net, gov,
mil, org, de, uk, ca, au
of the Year: WWW, Search engines
name tv.com sold to CNET for US$15,000
A malicious cancelbot is released on USENET
wiping out more than 25,000 messages
RFC 1925: The Twelve Networking Truths
on Internet use around the world:
Top 10
Domains by Host #: com, edu, net, uk, de, jp, us, mil, ca, au
of the Year: Search engines, JAVA, Internet
2000th RFC: "Internet Official Protocol
71,618 mailing lists registered at Liszt,
a mailing list directory
CA*net II launched in
June to provide Canada's next generation Internet using ATM/SONET
Domain name
business.com sold for US$150,000
Longest hostname
Name Servers in whois database
Top 10
Domains by Host #: com, edu, net, jp,
uk, de, us, au, ca, mil
of the Year: Push, Multicasting
Technologies: Push, Streaming Media
Internet Timeline is released
as RFC 2235 & FYI 32
Web size
estimates range between 275 (Digital) and 320 (NEC) million pages for 1Q
Solutions registers its 2 millionth domain on 4 May
Canada kicks off CA*net
3, the first national optical internet
CDA II and a ban on Net
taxes are signed into US law (21 October)
accidentally posts test US election returns one day early (2 November)
Indian ISP market is deregulated in November causing a rush for ISP operation
San Francisco sites
without off-city mirrors go offline as the city blacks out on 8 December
Open source software
comes of age
RFC 2321: RITA -- The Reliable Internetwork Troubleshooting Agent
RFC 2322:
Management of IP numbers by peg-dhcp
RFC 2323:
IETF Identification and Security Guidelines
RFC 2324:
Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)
domains registered: Nauru (NR), Comoros (KM)
Top 10
Domains by Host #: com, net, edu, mil, jp, us, uk ,de, ca, au
of the Year: E-Commerce, E-Auctions, Portals
Technologies: E-Trade, XML, Intrusion Detection
access becomes available to the Saudi Arabian public in January
IBM becomes the first Corporate partner to be approved for Internet2 access
European Parliament
proposes banning the caching of Web pages by ISPs
US State Court rules
that domain names are property that may be garnished(扣押債務人的財產)
the vBNS provider for NSF, begins upgrading the US
backbone to 2.5GBps
First large-scale Cyberwar takes place simulatenously
with the war in Serbia/Kosovo
Abilene, the Internet2
network, reaches across the Atlantic and connects to NORDUnet
and SURFnet
computers are all the rage (as long as you sign a long term
contract for Net service)
2549: IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service
RFC 2551:
The Roman Standards Process -- Revision III
Top 10
TLDs by Host #: com, net, edu, jp,
uk, mil, us, de, ca, au
of the Year: E-Trade, Online Banking
Virii of the Year: Melissa (March), ExploreZip (June)
Web size estimates
by NEC-RI and Inktomi surpass 1 billion indexable pages
Internet2 backbone
network deploys IPv6 (16 May)
ICANN selects new
TLDs: .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, .pro (16 Nov)
RFC 2795: The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite
Hacks of
the Year: RSA Security (Feb), Apache (May),
Western Union (Sep), Microsoft (Oct)
of the Year: ASP, Napster
Technologies: Wireless devices, IPv6
of the Year: Love Letter (May)
Lawsuits of the Year: Napster, DeCSS
Radio stations
broadcasting over the Web go silent over actor royalty disputes (10 Apr)
Brazil RNP2 is connected to Internet2's Abilene over 45Mbps line (21
.museum begins resolving (Nov) 故宮:taiwan.national.palace.museum
Dutch SURFnet and Internet2's Abilene connect via gigabit ethernet (15 Nov)
.us domain
operational responsibility assumed by NeuStar (20
RFC 3091: Pi Digit Generation Protocol
3093: Firewall Enhancement Protocol (FEP)
of the Year: Code Red (Jul), Nimda (Sep), SirCam (Jul), BadTrans (Apr, Nov)
Technologies: Grid Computing, P2P
Association (USISPA) is created from the former CIX
(11 Jan)
begins resolving (15 Jan)
registrations begin (30 Jan)
.aero registrations
begin 18 March and beings resolving 2 Sept.
Federally recognized US
Indian tribes become eligible to register under .gov
(26 Apr)
Abilene (Internet2)
backbone deploys native IPv6 (5 Aug)
Internet2 now has 200 university, 60 corporate, and 40 affiliate members (2 Sep)
Having your own Blog becomes hip
A new US law creates a
kids-safe "dot-kids" domain (kids.us) to be
implemented in 2003 (3 Dec)
RFC 3251: Electricity over IP (April 01 2002, 愚人節)
The first official
Swiss online election takes place in Anières (7 Jan)
Flash mobs, organized over the Net, start in New York and
quickly form in cities worlwide
.kids.us sunrise
registration begins 17 June and public registration on 9 Sep
Last Abilene segment
upgraded to 10Gbps (5 Nov)
RFC 3514: The Security Flag in the IPv4 Header (The
Evil Bit)
Abiline, the Internet2 backbone, upgrade from 2.5Gbps to
10Gbps is completed (4 Feb)
Network Solutions
begins offering 100 year domain registration (24 Mar)
Salesforce launches
Force.com, a web productivity tool. Force.com is a cloud
computing platform as a service system from Salesforce.com. This platform
as a service (PaaS)
let companies’ developers build, store and run all of the apps and websites
they needed to run their business in the cloud.
But it wasn't until
2008, when Google and Microsoft entered the playing field, that cloud
use really became a widespread effort to bring the technology mainstream.
Microsoft followed suit with Windows Azure, solidifying the cloud as a market that the tech giants
would be expanding and competing in.
Internet | Networks | WWW | USENET | Security
Date Hosts | Date Hosts Networks Domains
----- --------- + ----- --------- -------- ---------
12/69 4 | 07/89 130,000 650 3,900
06/70 9 | 10/89 159,000 837
10/70 11 | 10/90 313,000 2,063 9,300
12/70 13 | 01/91 376,000 2,338
04/71 23 | 07/91 535,000 3,086 16,000
10/72 31 | 10/91 617,000 3,556 18,000
01/73 35 | 01/92 727,000 4,526
06/74 62 | 04/92 890,000 5,291 20,000
03/77 111 | 07/92 992,000 6,569 16,300
12/79 188 | 10/92 1,136,000 7,505 18,100
08/81 213 | 01/93 1,313,000 8,258 21,000
05/82 235 | 04/93 1,486,000 9,722 22,000
08/83 562 | 07/93 1,776,000 13,767 26,000
10/84 1,024 | 10/93 2,056,000 16,533 28,000
10/85 1,961 | 01/94 2,217,000 20,539 30,000
02/86 2,308 | 07/94 3,212,000 25,210 46,000
11/86 5,089 | 10/94 3,864,000 37,022 56,000
12/87 28,174 | 01/95 4,852,000 39,410 71,000
07/88 33,000 | 07/95 6,642,000 61,538 120,000
10/88 56,000 | 01/96 9,472,000 93,671 240,000
01/89 80,000 | 07/96 12,881,000 134,365 488,000
| 01/97 16,146,000 828,000
| 07/97 19,540,000 1,301,000
*** see Note below ***
Hosts = a computer system with registered ip address (an A record)
Networks = registered class A/B/C addresses
Domains = registered domain name (with name server record)
Note: A more accurate survey mechanism was developed in 1/98; new and
some corrected numbers are shown below. For further info, see
Sources section.
Date Hosts | Date Hosts | Date Hosts
----- ----------- + ----- ----------- + ----- -----------
01/95 5,846,000 | 07/98 36,739,000 | 01/02 147,344,723
07/95 8,200,000 | 01/99 43,230,000 | 07/02 162,128,493
01/96 14,352,000 | 07/99 56,218,000 | 01/03 171,638,297
07/96 16,729,000 | 01/00 72,398,092 | 01/04 233,101,481
01/97 21,819,000 | 07/00 93,047,785 | 07/04 285,139,107
07/97 26,053,000 | 01/01 109,574,429 | 01/05 317,646,084
01/98 29,670,000 | 07/01 125,888,197 | 07/05 353,284,187
Internet Hosts
click here for a chart showing the logarithmic growth of the
Worldwide Networks Growth: (I)nternet (B)ITNET (U)UCP (F)IDONET (O)SI
____# Countries____ ____# Countries____
Date I B U F O Date I B U F O
----- --- --- --- --- --- ----- --- --- --- --- ---
09/91 31 47 79 49 02/94 62 51 125 88 31
12/91 33 46 78 53 07/94 75 52 129 89 31
02/92 38 46 92 63 11/94 81 51 133 95 --
04/92 40 47 90 66 25 02/95 86 48 141 98 --
08/92 49 46 89 67 26 06/95 96 47 144 99 --
01/93 50 50 101 72 31 06/96 134 -- 146 108 --
04/93 56 51 107 79 31 07/97 171 -- 147 108 --
08/93 59 51 117 84 31
Worldwide Networks Growth
12/90 1 | 09/98 3,156,324 | 02/02 38,444,856
12/91 10 | 10/98 3,358,969 | 03/02 38,118,962
12/92 50 | 11/98 3,518,158 | 04/02 37,585,233
06/93 130 | 12/98 3,689,227 | 05/02 37,574,105
09/93 204 | 01/99 4,062,280 | 06/02 38,807,788
10/93 228 | 02/99 4,301,512 | 07/02 37,235,470
12/93 623 | 03/99 4,349,131 | 08/02 35,991,815
06/94 2,738 | 04/99 5,040,663 | 09/02 35,756,436
12/94 10,022 | 05/99 5,414,325 | 10/02 35,114,328
06/95 23,500 | 06/99 6,177,453 | 11/02 35,686,907
01/96 100,000 | 07/99 6,598,697 | 12/02 35,543,105
03/96 135,396 | 08/99 7,078,194 | 01/03 35,424,956
04/96 150,295 | 09/99 7,370,929 | 02/03 35,863,952
05/96 193,150 | 10/99 8,115,828 | 03/03 39,174,349
06/96 252,000 | 11/99 8,844,573 | 04/03 40,100,739
07/96 299,403 | 12/99 9,560,866 | 05/03 40,444,778
08/96 342,081 | 01/00 9,950,491 | 06/03 40,936,076
09/96 397,281 | 02/00 11,161,811 | 07/03 42,298,371
10/96 462,047 | 03/00 13,106,190 | 08/03 42,807,275
11/96 525,906 | 04/00 14,322,950 | 09/03 43,144,374
12/96 603,367 | 05/00 15,049,382 | 10/03 43,700,759
01/97 646,162 | 06/00 17,119,262 | 11/03 44,946,965
02/97 739,688 | 07/00 18,169,498 | 12/03 45,980,112
03/97 883,149 | 08/00 19,823,296 | 01/04 46,067,743
04/97 1,002,612 | 09/00 21,166,912 | 02/04 47,173,415
05/97 1,044,163 | 10/00 22,282,727 | 03/04 48,038,131
06/97 1,117,259 | 11/00 23,777,446 | 04/04 49,750,568
07/97 1,203,096 | 12/00 25,675,581 | 05/04 50,550,965
08/97 1,269,800 | 01/01 27,585,719 | 06/04 51,635,284
09/97 1,364,714 | 02/01 28,125,284 | 07/04 52,131,889
10/97 1,466,906 | 03/01 28,611,177 | 08/04 53,341,867
11/97 1,553,998 | 04/01 28,669,939 | 09/04 54,407,216
12/97 1,681,868 | 05/01 29,031,745 | 10/04 55,388,466
01/98 1,834,710 | 06/01 29,302,656 | 11/04 56,115,015
02/98 1,920,933 | 07/01 31,299,592 | 12/04 56,923,737
03/98 2,084,473 | 08/01 30,775,624 | 01/05 58,194,836
04/98 2,215,195 | 09/01 32,398,046 | 02/05 59,100,880
05/98 2,308,502 | 10/01 33,135,768 | 03/05 60,442,655
06/98 2,410,067 | 11/01 36,458,394 | 04/05 62,286,451
07/98 2,594,622 | 12/01 36,276,252 | 05/05 63,532,742
08/98 2,807,588 | 01/02 36,689,008 | 06/05 64,808,485
| | 07/05 67,571,581
| | 08/05 70,392,567
Sites = # of web servers (one host may have multiple sites by
using different domains or port numbers)
WWW Growth
click here for a chart showing the logarithmic growth of the
Date Sites ~MB ~Posts Groups | Date Sites ~MB ~Posts Groups
---- ----- --- ------ ------ + ---- ------- --- ------ ------
1979 3 2 3 | 1987 5,200 2 957 259
1980 15 10 | 1988 7,800 4 1933 381
1981 150 0.05 20 | 1990 33,000 10 4,500 1,300
1982 400 35 | 1991 40,000 25 10,000 1,851
1983 600 120 | 1992 63,000 42 17,556 4,302
1984 900 225 | 1993 110,000 70 32,325 8,279
1985 1,300 1.0 375 | 1994 180,000 157 72,755 10,696
1986 2,200 2.0 946 241 | 1995 330,000 586 131,614
~ approximate: MB - megabytes per day, Posts - articles per day
Security (CERT/US-CERT) Stats:
Date Incidents Advisories Vulnerabilities Tech Alerts
---- --------- ---------- --------------- -----------
1988 6 1
1989 132 7
1990 252 12
1991 406 23
1992 773 21
1993 1,334 19
1994 2,340 15
1995 2,412 18 171
1996 2,573 27 345
1997 2,134 28 311
1998 3,734 13 262
1999 9,859 17 417
2000 21,756 22 774
2001 52,658 37 2,437
2002 82,094 37 4,129
2003 137,529 28 3,784
2004/1-3Q 2,683 22
1. How do I get Hobbes' Internet Timeline?
2. Is the Timeline available in other languages or editions?
· Persian / Farsi (PDF) by Rahi Moosavi
· Portuguese by Simone Villas Boas
· Russian by Stanislav Korotygin
· Spanish by Pablo Ibarrolaza & Monica Piazza
If you are interested in translating to another language or format, email me first
3. Can I re-print the Timeline or use parts of it for ... ?
4. What do you do when not updating the Timeline?
Hobbes' Internet Timeline was compiled from a number of sources, with some
of the stand-outs being:
Cerf, Vinton (as told to Bernard Aboba). "How the Internet Came to Be."
This article appears in "The Online User's Encyclopedia," by Bernard Aboba.
Addison-Wesley, 1993.
Hardy, Henry. "The History of the Net." Master's Thesis, School of
Communications, Grand Valley State University.
Hardy, Ian. "The Evolution of ARPANET email." History Thesis, UC Berkeley.
Hauben, Ronda and Michael. "The Netizens and the Wonderful World of the Net."
Kulikowski, Stan II. "A Timeline of Network History." (author's email below)
Quarterman, John. "The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems
Worldwide." Bedford, MA: Digital Press. 1990
"ARPANET, the Defense Data Network, and Internet". Encyclopedia of
Communications, Volume 1. Editors: Fritz Froehlich, Allen Kent.
New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1991
Internet growth summary compiled from:
- Zone program reports maintained by Mark Lottor at:
Note: A more accurate host counting mechanism was used starting
with 1/98 count. Now available at: http://www.isc.org/
- Connectivity table maintained by Larry Landweber at:
- ARPAnet maps published in various sources
WWW growth summary compiled from:
- Web growth summary page by Matthew Gray of MIT:
- Netcraft at http://www.netcraft.com/survey/
USENET growth summary compiled from Quarterman and Hauben sources above,
and news.lists postings. Lots of historical USENET postings also provided
by Tom Fitzgerald (fitz@wang.com).
CERT growth summary compiled from CERT reports at ftp://ftp.cert.org/
CERT stats are also now being made available by CERT at
Many of the URLs provided by Arnaud Dufour (arnaud.dufour@hec.unil.ch)
Country-specific Internet Histories:
- Australia - "A Brief History of the Internet in Australia" by Roger Clarke
- Australia - "It Started with a Ping" by Jennie Sinclair
- Brazil - "Linha to Tempo da Internet no Brasil" by Érico Guizzo
- Finland - "History of the Internet in Finland"
- South Africa - "The History of the Internet in South Africa - How it began"
- UK - "Early Experiences with the ARPANET and INTERNET in the UK" by Peter Kirstein
Additional books of interest:
- "How the Web Was Born - The Story of the World Wide Web"
by James Gillies and Robert Cailliau
- "Weaving the Web : The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web
by its Inventor"
by Tim Berners-Lee
- "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet"
by Katie Hafner & Matthew Lyon
- "Nerds 2.0.1: A Brief History of the Internet"
by Stephen Segaller
- "Architects of the Web: 1,000 Days That Built the Future of Business"
by Robert H. Reid
- "Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet"
by Michael Hauben et al
- "Exploring the Internet: A Technical Travelogue"
by Carl Malamud
Early works of interest:
- "As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush, 1945
- "Man-Computer Symbiosis" by J.C.R. Licklider, 1960
- Assorted early documents
Contributors to Hobbes' Internet Timeline have their initials next to the
contributed items in the form (:zzz:) and are:
ad1 - Arnaud Dufour (arnaud.dufour @ hec.unil.ch)
amk - Alex McKenzie (mckenzie @ bbn.com)
bb1 - Billy Brackenridge (billyb @ microsoft.com)
bt1 - Brad Templeton (btm @ templetons.com)
clg - C. Lee Giles (giles @ research.nj.nec.com)
dhr - David H. Rothman (davidrothman @ yahoo.com)
dk1 - Daniel Karrenberg (Daniel.Karrenberg @ ripe.net)
ec1 - Eric Carroll (eric @ enfm.utcc.utoronto.ca)
esr - Eric S. Raymond (esr @ locke.ccil.org)
feg - Farrell E. Gerbode (farrell @ is.rice.edu)
gb1 - Gordon Bell (GBell @ microsoft.com)
gck - Gary C. Kessler (kumquat @ sover.net)
glg - Gail L. Grant (grant @ glgc.com)
gmc - Grant McCall (g.mccall @ unsw.edu.au)
gst - Graham Thomas (G.S.Thomas @ uel.ac.uk)
irh - Ian R Hardy (hardy @ uclink2.berkeley.edu)
jap - Jean Armour Polly (mom @ netmom.com)
jg1 - Jim Gaynor (gaynor @ niherlas.com)
kf1 - Ken Fockler (fockler @ hq.canet.ca)
kf2 - Kinming Fung (kinming @ cuhk.edu.hk)
lb1 - Larry Backman (backman @ ultranet.com)
lhl - Larry H. Landweber (lhl @ cs.wisc.edu)
mpc - Mellisa P. Chase (pc @ mitre.org)
msh - Michael S. Hart (hart @ pobox.com)
par - Pierre A Renaud (yendred @ videotron.ca)
pb1 - Paul Burchard (burchard @ cs.princeton.edu)
pds - Peter da Silva (peter @ baileynm.com)
ph1 - Peter Hoffman (hoffman @ ece.nps.navy.mil)
rab - Roger A. Bielefeld (rab @ hal.cwru.edu)
rm1 - Rahi Moosavi (info @ farsi-freelance.com)
sc1 - Susan Calcari (susanc @ is.internic.net)
sk2 - Stan Kulikowski (stankuli @ uwf.bitnet) - see sources section
sw1 - Stephen Wolff (swolff @ cisco.com)
tb1 - Tim Burress (tim @ twics.com)
tp1 - Tim Pozar (pozar @ kumr.lns.com)
vgc - Vinton Cerf (vcerf @ isoc.org) - see sources section
wz1 - W. Zorn (zorn @ ira.uka.de)
zby - Zenel Batagelj (zenel.batagelj @ uni-lj.si)
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) ;-) Help the Author (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-:
Thank you to the thousands of Net folks who contributed information to help
the author's genealogical search, yielding 45 new Zakon's from around the world!
Archive-name: Hobbes' Internet Timeline
Version: 8.1
Archive-location: http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/
Last-updated: 28 August 2005
Maintainer: Robert H'obbes' Zakon, timeline@Zakon.org, http://www.zakon.org/
An Internet timeline highlighting some of the key events and technologies
that helped shape the Internet as we know it today.